Pointed Modular Tensor Category

题目:Pointed Modular Tensor Category

报告人:董崇英 教授(美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校)


时间:2021年6月29日 16:00-16:50

摘要:A modular tensor category is pointed if every simple object is a simple current.  We show that any pointed modular tensor category is equivalent to the module category of a lattice vertex operator algebra. Moreover, if the pointed modular tensor category C is the module category of a twisted Drinfeld double associated to a finite abelian group G and a 3-cocycle with coefficients in U(1),   then there exists a selfdual positive definite even lattice L such that G can be realized an automorphism group of lattice vertex operator algebra $V_L,$  $V_L^G$ is also a lattice vertex operator algebra and  C is equivalent to the module category of $V_L^G.$ This is a joint work with S. Ng and L. Ren.
