Basic Information
Algebra and Number Theory
309 Zhiyuan Building
Li Zhonghua

1. Special values of various zeta functions and their multivariategeneralizations, especially multiple zeta values;

2. Motivic multiple zeta values;

3. Algebraic number theory.


Apr., 2005 - Mar., 2008, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, Ph.D. Mathematics

Apr., 2003 - Mar., 2005, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, M.S. Mathematics

Sep., 1997 - July, 2001, Department of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China, B.S. Mathematics


Dec., 2018 - present, Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tongji University

Oct., 2012 - Dec., 2018, Associate Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tongji University

Oct., 2010 - Oct., 2012, JSPS Postdoctral Fellowship, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo

July, 2008 - Oct., 2012, Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Tongji University

July, 2001- Dec., 2002, Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China

Paper & Publicaiont

Publication List:

[23]Zhonghua Li and Chen Qin, Some relations deduced from regularized double shuffle relations of multiple zeta values,Int. J. Number Theory, accepted.

[22] Zhonghua Li and Ce Xu, On q-analogues of quadratic Euler sums,Period Math. Hung., accepted,

[21] Zhonghua Li and Ce Xu, Weighted sum formulas of multiple t-values with even arguments,Forum Math.32(4) (2020), 965-976.

[20]Zhonghua Li and Ende Pan, Topological properties of q-analogues of multiple zeta values,Int. J. Number Theory 16 (5) (2020), 963-980.

[19]Zhonghua Liand Ende Pan, Sum of interpolated finite multiple harmonic q-series,J. Number Theory201(2019), 148-175.

[18]Zhonghua Liand Noriko Wakabayashi, Sum of interpolated multiple q-zeta values,J. Number Theory200(2019),205-259.

[17]Zhonghua Li and Chen Qin, Weighted sum formulas of multiple zeta values with even arguments,Math. Z.291(3) (2019), 1337-1356.

[16] Zhonghua Li, Derivation relations and duality for the sum of multiple zeta values,Funct. Approx. Comment. Math.,58(2) (2018), 215-220.

[15] Zhonghua Li and Chen Qin, Stuffle product formulas of multiple zeta values,Taiwanese J. Math.22(3) (2018), 529-543.

[14] Zhonghua Li, Relations of multiple zeta values: from the viewpoint of some special functions,RIMS K/^{o}ky/^{u}roku BessatsuB68(2017), 123-133.

[13] Zhonghua Li and Chen Qin, Some relations of interpolated multiple zeta values,Internat. J. Math.28(5) (2017), 1750033, 25 pp.

[12] Zhonghua Li and Chen Qin, Shuffle product formulas of multiple zeta values,J. Number Theory171(2017), 79-111.

[11] Zhonghua Li, On functional relations for the alternating analogues of Tornheim's double zeta function,Chin. Ann. Math.36(B)(6) (2015), 907-918.

[10] Zhonghua Li, Another proof of Zagier's evaluation formula of the multiple zeta values /zeta(2,/ldots,2,3,2,/ldots,2),Math. Res. Lett.20(5) (2013), 947-950.

[9] Zhonghua Li, Some identities in the harmonic algebra concerned with multiple zeta values,Int. J. Number Theory9(3) (2013), 783-798.

[8] Zhonghua Li, Regularized double shuffle and Ohno-Zagier relations of multiple zeta values,J. Number Theory133(2) (2013), 596-610.

[7] Zhonghua Li, On a conjecture of Kaneko and Ohno,Pacific J. Math.257(2) (2012), 419-430.

[6] Zhonghua Li, Higher order shuffle regularization for multiple zeta values,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.138(7) (2010), 2321-2333.

[5] Zhonghua Li, Gamma series associated to elements satisfying regularized double shuffle relations,J. Number Theory130(2) (2010), 213-231.

[4] Zhonghua Li, Sum of multiple q-zeta values,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.138(2) (2010), 505-516.

[3] Zhonghua Li, Sum of multiple zeta values of fixed weight, depth and i-height,Math. Z.258(1) (2008), 133-142.

[2] Chenghao Chu, Zhonghua Li and Guangtian Song, Relative K2 of rings with SR2*(R,I) condition,Adv. Math. (China)35(2006), 93-101.

[1] Zhonghua Li, Guangtian Song and Chenghao Chu, On PMM rings,J. Univ. Sci. Technol. China35 (2005), 32-41.


[1] Zhonghua Li, Algebraic relations of interpolated multiple zeta values, arXiv: 1904.09887.