More Dynamical Properties Revealed in A 3D Chaotic System学 术 报 告题目:More Dynamical Properties Revealed in A 3D Chaotic System报告人:李先义 教授 (扬州大学)时间:4月8日(星期五),下午 3:30-4:30地点:致远楼102室李先义,现任职扬州大学教授, 主要研究常微分方程与动力系统。至今在Nonlinear Dyn., IJBC, JMAA, CMA等著名期刊发表科研论文近60篇。主持包括国家自然科学基金面上项目、数学天元基金、国家留学基金等各级各类科研项目等21项。曾先后被评为“湖南省青年...李先义 教授致远楼102室4月8日(星期五),下午 3:30-4:30
平均法与Melnikov函数法的等价性题目:平均法与Melnikov函数法的等价性报告人:韩茂安 教授 (上海师范大学)时间:4月8日(星期五),下午 2:30-3:30地点:致远楼102室韩茂安,教授,博导,现任上海师范大学数学科学研究所所长、上海师范大学数理信息学院副院长,主要从事常微分方程与动力系统的研究。作为负责人主持完成了5项国家自然科学基金项目,5项省部级基金项目,并入选2004年度教育部新世纪优秀人才培养计划和2006年度上海市学优秀科带头人支持计划;...韩茂安致远楼102室4月8日(星期五),下午 2:30-3:30
Ergodic BSDE Representation of Forward Performance Processes.Forward performance processes were introduced by Musiela and Zariphopoulou, which complement the classical expected utility paradigm where the utility is a deterministic function chosen at maturity, and there is little flexibility to incorporate updating of risk preferences, rolling horizons, learning and other realistic "forward in nature" features. Forward performance processes alleviate these shortcomings and offer a construction of a genuinely dynamic mechanism for evaluating the performance of investment strategies as the market evolves. In this talk, we show how to representant forward performance processes in terms of ergodic BSDE, and their connection with ergodic stochastic control.Dr. Gechun LIANG致远楼107室2016年4月7日 15:00
The Applications of Poincare-Birkhoff / Moser Twist Theorem to Discontinuous ...This talk puts forward some applications of Poincare-Birkhoff / Moser twist theorem on periodic solutions and quasi-periodic solutions to discontinuous differential systems.申建华 教授致远楼102室4月7日(星期四),下午 3:30-4:30
Instantons on nearly Kaehler manifoldsInstantons are connections which are critical points of the Yang-Mills energy functional. Instantons in four dimensions have been a popular subject for nearly forty years, but there is now growing interest in instantons in higher dimensions. This talk will focus on dimensions six and seven, and the relationships between them. After explaining why these dimensions are important, I will show how to construct some instantons on six-dimensional nearly Kaehler manifolds and how to analyse their stability.Professor Derek Harland致远楼107室2016年4月5日(周二)4pm-5pm
Instantons on nearly Kaehler manifoldsInstantons are connections which are critical points of the Yang-Mills energy functional. Instantons in four dimensions have been a popular subject for nearly forty years, but there is now growing interest in instantons in higher dimensions. This talk will focus on dimensions six and seven, and the relationships between them. After explaining why these dimensions are important, I will show how to construct some instantons on six-dimensional nearly Kaehler manifolds and how to analyse their stability.Professor Derek Harland致远楼107室2016年4月5日(周二)4pm-5pm
Cyclic Workflow Resource Requirement Analysis and Application in Healthcare題目: Cyclic Workflow Resource Requirement Analysis and Application in Healthcare报告人: 王加存教授, 蒙莫斯大学,美国摘要: Resource-oriented workflow nets are an efficient formalism in modeling workflows and analyzing their resource requirements. Resource requirements analysis for general workflows can be done through reachability analysis. For a class of well-structured acyclic workflows, a fa...王加存教授致远楼1023月30日(周二) 上午9:40
Epidemic Models with Media Education and Limit Resources for Disease Treatmen...This talk consider the effect of media coverage and the carry capacity of local hospital on the spreading of infectious disease. The number of patients need to be treated may exceed the carry capacity of the local hospitals during the spreading of a severe infectious disease. We propose models with general and saturation recovery from infective individuals to understand their effect on the emergency disease control. It is shown that saturation recovery from infective individuals leads to vital dynamics, such as bistability and periodicity, when the basic reproduction number is less than unity.崔景安 教授致远楼1023月27日(星期日),下午 2:00-3:00